Battle itineraries

On the Rimini battlefields the Italian and Foreign Military Schools can study all the kinds of warfare

War Itineraries of the Battle of Rimini

First let us pay homage to all the Fallen of the Rimini battle, whose 4620 Allied ones lay in the 5 war Cemeteries of Montecchio (Pesaro), Gradara, Coriano (Anglo-Canadians), Riccione (Greek), Highway Rimini-San Marino (Gurkha) whilst the Germans lay in the war Cemetery at the Futa Pass, They are continuously visited by relatives and friends.

A scientific visit to the places where it was most harshly fought is not yet possible. Up to the present there are not identified and marked out clear and sound war itineraries neither are there suitable guides. In the Riminese area, Authorities, Parties and Military Schools, Italian and foreign, apply to the CID “Linea Gotica”, trusting in the availability of its President. On the initiative of the Centre, as a token of Peace and Reconciliation the towns of Tavullia and Gemmano have erected Memorials to the Fallen of both the sides which are added to the British Memorial at Montecieco and to the memorial tablet of the town of Riccione in the church of S. Lorenzino, where the Canadians of the R.C.R.(Royal Cdn Regt.) fought violently against the parachutists, the “Green Devils” of Montecassino.

War itineraries suggested by the Centro “Linea Gotica”.

Surprise attack on a fortified line. Breaching of the Gothic Line n.1. Montecchio, Canadian Memorial at Pt 204 of Tavullia, Madonna of Mount Peloso, Monteluro. Surprise attack of the 1st Canadian Army Corps on 1st Para Div. and 26. Panzer Div..Attack of the British 5th Army Corps on 71. and 278. Inf. Div. at Belvedere Fogliense, Monte Gridolfo, Mondaino, Saludecio. Victoria Cross to G.R. Norton of the 46th British Division. The II Polish Corps at Pesaro.

Attack on a too long fortified line. Threatening the enemy on his flank. The two battles of Coriano. Anglo-Canadian halt at Gothic Line n.2 and later breaching of the Line. Coriano. Coriano ridge, Castelleale, Agello, San Clemente, Passano, San Savino, Croce, theatre of the most bloody fighting of the whole Italian Campaign. Intervention of. the 29. Panzer Grenadier Div. and of 98. Inf. Div. Lt Schmidt “impossible counterattack” at the Poggio of Pedrolara.

Mountains are suited to relative defense. Gemmano The hill of Gemmano defended by the 100th Mountain Regt. against the 10 days attacks of the 56th, 46th. Brit. and 4th Indian Div., coming from three directions, Conca river, Montefiore and Tavoleto, Pian di Castello, Onferno.

Mountains are not suited to absolute defense. US breaching of the Gothic Line n.1 in Tuscany. Scarperia Giogo Pass, Mount Altuzzo and Monticelli. The 5 days attack of the 85 and 91 Divisions against the 12th Para Regt.

Retreat after a lost battle. Besanigo, Marano, S. Lorenzo in Corregiano, Villa des Vergers and the barrage of S. Martino Montelabbate where seventy parachutists bar for 3 days the Canadian advance to the Covignano hill.

Struggle in neutral territories. The San Marino Republic. Mount Pulito, Dogana, Falciano. Defence of the 278.Inf. Div. against 46th Brit. and 4th Indian Div. Victoria Cross to the Gurkha Sher Bahadur Thapa, buried in the Gurkha Cemetery on the Rimini-San Marino highway together with Gurkha Thaman Gurung V.C.

“A risky business to attack an able opponent in a good position”. Montecieco, the 2nd Balaclava.. The charge of the Queen’s Bays against the 90.Pz. Gren. Div. of famous general Ernst G. Baade. Attack of the 56th Brit. Div. on Ceriano and S. Cristina. The 1st Brit. Armoured Div. disbanded.

Attack on vast extension cordons. Breaching of Rimini Yellow Line. The Canadian breaching of the Yellow Line at S. Fortunato (Covignano Hill). Greeks enter Rimini on Sept. 21st.

Epic of the Nepalese Gurkha Fusiliers. Torriana, Montebello, “the slaughter of the Gurkhas”.The 43rd Gurkha Bde’s conquest of Santarcangelo defended by 20. Luftwaffe Div. The halt of 56th Div. at Savignano, in front of the Rubicone river.

Pursue of the enemy. The New Zealander attack. At Celle (Rimini), Viserba, Torre Pedrera, Bellaria against Paras and Turkmenians.

No victory will be effective without pursuit. US breaching of Gothic Line n.2. Monte Battaglia, decisive battle of the US 88 Div. helped by the partisans of 36th Brigade. Castel del Rio Monghidoro, Loiano, Livergnano. No pursuit along the Santerno valley. Halt in front of Bologna at Pianoro, Belmonte and Monte Grande.

War Itineraries of the Battle of Rimin
Montecieco: 24 out of 27 tanks of the Bays, coming from via Rovereta (left) were massacred by the opposite guns of TaskForce Stollbrock (90 Pz.Gren)
